A while back I bought a lovely Black Beauty (Emerald Erin’s) bra kit. I saw it and loved it. What can I say?
So the very pretty kit was sitting patiently on a shelf in my sewing room waiting for just the right sew-jo to inspire me.
Then B,Wear brought out Pistachio finding kits! Oh my!
I knew right away they’d match perfectly with that kit.
The green is the perfect pop of color.
Here’s my lovely Pistachio Bra. I chose to only use the Pistachio on the upper part of the bra. My frame is sheer cup lining and power net, so I wanted to keep it looking black. If I’d been using duoplex or nylplex the pistachio wouldn’t have shown through, but it really did show through the sheer cup lining.
What I wanted though was just a little peek of color with the upper band elastic, and then the straps with that pop of color. And I think I got it. This bra has such lovely rich fall colors. I’m very happy with my new make, and I’m still loving the Freja pattern.
I was asked last week if the frame I’m using for my pattern is the one that comes with the pattern. No. Most definitely not. My frame is highly adjusted for my Omega shape. I’ve narrowed the upper bridge, widened the lower bridge, used a smaller cradle size – so it’s definitely not the same frame as comes with the pattern.
Lastly, here’s the back of the bra. I really love this Pistachio color! I was looking through my lace to see what else I had that would go well with it.
Do you remember this bra I made? I still have some of this lace.
I think this will match perfectly with the pistachio color too. But not with the burn orange this time. Basic black always works.
Happy creating!