Sometimes you see a bra kit, and it’s so lovely. You know you want it, but you just can’t buy everything all the time.
That happened to me a few months ago. I saw the most gorgeous bra on B,Wear’s site. Isn’t this gorgeous?
Well, by time I went to buy it about a month later, it was gone.
I was disappointed. But an email to B,Wear, and they said they could put together another kit for me.
To my great surprise, I got to see my name on the kit! Michelles Special. That was a real treat for me, along with the kit being available again.
I had to get it! You know I had to get it, right?
And I am not disappointed at all.
As much as I was looking forward to sewing with this kit right away, I wanted to sew up Em’s June bra. I decided I would share my precious lace with her this month. Oh! These colors!
Orange isn’t usually a favorite color of mine, but paired with this fuchsia… LOVE! This is just lovely. The colors are so rich.
The findings here aren’t actually fuchsia. They’re hot pink from The Bra Makery. I adore how they bring a little extra pop to the bra. Just adding a bit more depth of color to it all.
Yes, this adorable Watson bra is bow worthy.
I have to share with you, I was a terrible tease to Em. I asked her if she wanted a hint what her bra was for June. She said yes of course. So I sent her this.
I know! A terrible tease, but she laughed.
Happy creating!