New Scissors

I shared with you that my favorite scissors broke. I tried two other pair of scissors but neither of them felt the same despite them both being similar size. The one pair were Singer scissors. They were embroidery scissors too.

However, the blades are thicker on this pair. I wouldn’t be able to do fine trimming with them the same way. As well they just didn’t feel the same in my hand. I found another smaller pair of embroidery scissors. Not a brand name this time, but the blades are nice and narrow. However, they’re only about 3″ long. The scissors I had were 5″, and again, they just don’t feel the same in my hand.

I tried doing a Google image search for them using the broken pair, but it didn’t turn up anything hopeful.

I decided it was time to search on ebay. It was then I remembered my MIL had spent years in Germany and loved Henckel brand everything. She’d bought me my Henckel knives when we got married. I still have those knives 33 years later.

That gave me a starting point. The first scissors I found were close, but not quite a match. The handles didn’t look quite the same on this pair. At this point I was so thankful I’d taken a photo. So I kept looking. And I found them. 

Same make, and same model number even. But I know these ones are the same as the ones my MIL had given me. These ones will feel right in my hand.

The only downside to all of this is it’s going to take over a month to get them. They’re coming from Japan. I’ll be a happy sewer again when I get them!

Happy creating, and my your favorite scissors never break!

A Foam Angie’s Twin

During my last class when I was teaching the Angie’s Twin pattern, I decided to re-fit myself in the pattern. I’ve been working out with my son and my size has changed a bit. It’s amazing what muscle will do!

So, while everyone was busy sewing, I tried on my size and made notes on what I needed to change for my pattern. I’ll just say, if you are an Omega shape, try B,Wear’s patterns. I find I need fewer alterations with hers than with some other patterns.

   I also used B,Wear’s lovely kit Eugenia. Isn’t this a pretty kit? I love the green. 

It being the middle of winter, I wanted something a little more than that gorgeous delicate lace to wear, so I added an inner foam cup.

Here’s my foam Angie’s Twin. I’m thrilled with how it turned out, but the pattern needs some tweaking.

It gapes along the upper band at the side, and I know I need that alterations, so I’m not sure why I didn’t remember when I was drawing this up. However, I didn’t.

Still, I’m very happy with this, and it’s still wearable. It’s just a little loose feeling.   I’ll be making adjustments to my pattern right away so I can make another Angie’s Twin. Honestly, this bra gives some great lift and shaping. My next project I won’t be sharing any time soon. I’m testing a pattern that will be released later this year, but I do hope to be back to my blog before the end of January with some things to share.

Happy creating!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year fellow bra makers! Did anyone do any sewing over the holidays? I didn’t. I took a big break from many things and am feeling refreshed again.

I actually decided to start the new year off with some bra sewing. I went to my sewing room and looked at what I had cut out, and have no idea what I was thinking but what I cut out would not work. And there was no saving it either.

I didn’t waste any of my time on it, I simply cut out a new pattern and it’s ready to sew.

I do have a couple of things to show you from December still.

 A dear friend asked me if I could help her. She’d bought some tights that she loved but they were too short. She bought some lace to lengthen them, but that lace didn’t work out. Would I help her? Of course.

I looked for an idea and found this one. She loved it.She asked if I could get her the shoes too. Nope. Just sewing the lace.

Okay, this I can do. I have the supplies already.Here are leggings. I saw her three times over the holidays and she was so happy with them, I saw her wearing them twice. That made me happy for both of us.

I also decorated my dress form for the holidays.

Most of the ideas I’ve seen out there were with live tree branches. Well that wouldn’t work in my home. Nothing like welcoming allergies right in! No. I had to come up with another idea.

Instead, I bought a hoop skirt and decorated it. Here’s just the skirt. It has a lot of bling and glitter on it. And lights too. She’s sitting in our downstairs window.

Hubby had some Home Alone-inspired ideas for her, but I told him no. She was pretty, not something to deter Joe Pesci!

Here’s the full view. I bought a glitterly red top, and added some gold costume jewelry to complete her look. I love it!

I also love that I can take this off  the dress form, put it away for the year, and put it on her again next Christmas.

Lastly, sadly, I lost my favorite sewing scissors. These were my MIL’s and she’s been gone 12 years now. I was very sad when I went to cut something and they broke in my hand.  I’ve replaced them, but they don’t feel the same. They don’t have the same sentimental attachment the others ones had. But they are working.

I’ll be back next week again with my newest make, and will share some of my sewing plans for the year.

Happy New Year and happy creating!