We moved mid-December, so I had a big sewing blitz in late October and early November knowing everything was going to get packed up.
Fortunately, the previous owner of our new the house moved out a week before we were to move in. That gave me to time to do some cleaning, sorting, and unpacking in the new house. After the kitchen, my sewing room was my top priority. It was mostly set up days after our move.
I’ll warn you. I’m not all unpacked and sorted yet. But I was able to sew. (smile) First off is my Singer treadle machine, rather laden down with things still needing to be sorted. Next to that is my Rocketeer. Then piled beside those are a bunch of books that are still unpacked, some storage, and then my cutting table. You can see the fabric left over from my latest project.
My sewing table butts up against my cutting table making a U-shaped work area.Behind the sewing/work area are my storage rack, a small sewing table, and a storage cupboard.
Beside the storage cupboard is my yet-to-be-packed bookcase.
Lastly, I have two closet doors, but the closet space runs the full length of the wall between the doors. It’s wonderful to have all that space!I still need to do some organizing, but at least I’m set up enough to do some sewing.
Happy New Year, and happy creating!