The Flirt Skirt

There’s no doubt about it – The Flirt Skirt is my favorite skirt pattern. I do have other patterns, but I seem to go back to the Flirt again and again.

Here are the ones I’ve made so far:

Denim flirt

This is still one of my favorites. This is my stretch denim Flirt.

floral flirt

This is a pretty floral denim-look Flirt.

yellow flirt

My pale yellow denim Flirt.

burgundy flirt

Another favorite Flirt in a lovely rich-colored flocked knit.

Maxi flirt

And my very favorite maxi Flirt.

So, why am I showing all my Flirt Skirts here? I recently found something out. Craftsy no longer has the workshop for the Flirt Skirt available. I’ve been referring to it over and over because I love the skirt pattern, and I love Craftsy.

But it’s not there.

One lovely follower commented she tried to use the link and all she got was an adorable kitten saying something went wrong.

That got me looking around a bit. I knew the pattern was out there. I just had to find it.

I did find the pattern for The Flirt Skirt again. It’s on Pamela Howard’s website. Pam is the designer of this skirt and was the one leading the workshop.


Here’s the photo from Pam’s website so you know what the original looks like.

In case you’re wondering, I thought I’d share just what it is I love so much about this skirt. From the front, this skirt gives the look of a long straight skirt – something I normally can’t wear. Being on the shorter side, and curvy, most things that are straight don’t fit – at all. This fits wonderfully.

Something else I love about this skirt is the back. That flirty part makes this skirt a dream when it comes to walking.

Happy creating!