Revisiting my Croquis


I was planning on sewing a couple of things for Libelle Sewing’s upcoming Round 5. One was an apron, so I started to look at apron patterns. I also decided I’d try those aprons on my croquis.

 The first pattern I found was so cute. It’s from Sew Much Good.Isn’t this adorable? I thought so, but then was thinking about it. I was thinking about those horizontal lines and my hips and wondering just how well they’d play together. I got out my croquis again to see how it would look on me.

The apron is still adorable, but I don’t think the lines of this style flatter me. So I kept playing with other styles.


There were a few patterns I liked in this shop, so I kept looking and ‘trying on’ aprons. Here was my next apron try.

Unfortunately, this next one didn’t do anything for me. It’s cute, but not for me.

Third Time

  There’s that saying, third time’s a charm. There was another adorable pattern in the shop, and this one plays nicely with my hips.I love the material used for the apron on the pattern cover. And I loved the style on my croquis.

Yes, this is a better balance for me, and it’s an adorable pattern. I scooped it up.

Here are the two aprons on ‘me’, side by side.Yes, the second one is more flattering on me.

Sewing Samples, Not Sewing Samples

So. I’d taken time to look at a few patterns, tested those patterns on my croquis, bought a pattern, had the material assigned to me, and then a day later made the decision to not sew the samples for Libelle Sewing’s next round.

I’ve mentioned I’ve been busy. But so many of the things I was doing, I loved doing. However, there are times our bodies let us know enough is enough. That happened to me. I ended up with an infection due to being run down. I had to make a few decisions.

So, as much as I enjoy things like testing patterns for House Morrighan (there’s a pattern being tested right now), and sewing samples for Libelle Sewing, for now I’m taking a break from both. I still think both companies are great!

And I have to say, deciding to take a break, I felt relieved and disappointed at the same time. I was disappointed because the material I was going to sew up for Round 5 is adorable! Then I realized I can simply buy some of this material. When Round 5 opens, I’ll share with you the adorable material, and I’m sure you’ll agree it’ll be perfect for an apron. I’ll share the new House Morrighan pattern as soon as it’s released too.

Happy creating!

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2 thoughts on “Revisiting my Croquis

  1. Well, reading your blog post this morning has awakened me to three separate points. First of all, ‘wow, aprons are back in fashion’. Or perhaps I am not in the loop ?.
    Then there is the croquis. I had forgotten about this tool in clothing design! What a great idea for me too as my advancing years have altered my shape? and my brain still has me somewhere in a shape of 10 years ago. Youtube here I come to design my own croquis.
    Finally I was re-enforced that sometimes it is ok to ‘opt out’ of a commitment when our bodies say ‘enough!’
    Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Lynn. I have another post that tells about how I made my own personal croquis. And yes, sometimes we really have to listen to our bodies and respect the limits it is saying.

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