Very Little Sewing

Hello. I know it’s been a while since I posted. I’m sorry for that. I haven’t been sewing. Well, I made a pair of dog boots for this winter.My little pup is quite camera shy, but this shows his new boots. He still hates the cold and wants to come back home as soon as possible.

I also have a couple of sewing projects coming up that I’m working on. A Watson for a friend, and an Angie for another friend.

So, if I’m not sewing what am I doing? Well, I’ve been knitting.

Last year I saw an ad for Annie’s Knit Club, and I decided to try it. I’ve really been enjoying it. I’d saved up my kits for the cold weather and the cold weather and snow are here now. It’s the perfect time to sit and relax, watch a romantic Christmas movie, and knit. I’m finding it very relaxing and enjoyable.

Here’s the image from the Annie’s site.

Isn’t that pretty? I hope mine is as pretty once it’s done.

If you’re not familiar with the club, they send you the yarn each month, and there are videos that go along with the instructions. It’s great if you’re not sure of a stitch, or just want to refresh your memory because it’s been a very long time since you’ve knit anything.

Let me show you the squares I’ve done so far.

Some of these are very basic, like straight knitting both sides (garter stitch), or knit and purl. The ones with design and texture are my favorites.

I love this very delicate design.

This one below was very interesting to do.

This one has such great texture.

But so far, my favorite is this lacy one. Is that a surprise at all? 

I’ve got the next knitting block on my needles now, but with two bras needing to be sewn, I have to set my knitting aside for a little bit.

Happy creating!

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