I completed my first Bare Essentials draft. In fact, I completed two of them – one for a regular wire, and one for a ‘demi’ wire.
The Orange wire isn’t actually a demi wire, but it’s a little bit lower in the front. When I combine the wire shape, the wire size I need, and being an Omega shape, it made sense to try the demi draft.
I have to say, the Bare Essentials drafting process is still something I’m learning. I won’t say I have it down pat just yet, but I’m making progress.This past week I drew up my draft. It actually looks like bra cup pattern pieces, so I thought I’d be close.
I sewed together a very quick tester bra. I told my husband it was the ugliest bra I’ve ever sewn. He said he couldn’t believe I would make anything ugly. This isn’t designed to be pretty. It’s designed to determine if you have the correct volume before you move on in the process.I wasn’t exaggerating when I said it wasn’t pretty! It’s not.
From the straps being pinned on, thread ends not cut, everything just sewn enough to hold it together to try on once, it has served its purpose.
Even the strap elastic is only tacked down quickly to work for that single fitting.
As terrible as it looks, it worked. I have the correct volume to move onto the next stage, which will be to take this draft pattern, and begin to alter it to the shape I want.
However, I think I’ll redo the draft another time or two to make sure I have this well figured out before I move on.
Happy creating!
Can’t wait to hear how it goes with this alternate measuring process and any tips you may have.
I’m getting a bit excited about this new process. I’ll definitely share more as I learn more.
That’s a lot of volume! Isn’t that like half your total body weight? 😉
You must think I’m a lightweight! 😉