Now that I have all my fitting bras sewn, I’m able to fit some friends and family who have been waiting for this.
My daughter-in-law is one of those people who has been waiting, so I got her fitted and she doesn’t have to wait any longer.
She’s a perfect 2.75 BCD, and I didn’t have to make any changes at all for her. Oh, how nice for her!
I let her pick a couple of kits she liked, and she picked a pink one and a beige one. Before you think how wonderful for her, she didn’t have pick from all my kits. No. there were a few I removed from the pile and said I wanted these for myself. She was still happy.
Here’s the beige bra she wanted.
I really do love this color. It’s not blah at all to me. To me it’s golden and shimmery. It is so pretty.Sewing these smaller sizes I learned that, yes, you can make a bra in a couple of hours. It was a new experience for me.
Here is the pink bra for Em.Now, I love beige, but not this pink. I know many who do love it, including Em. She grabbed this kit right away.
It’s interesting to see, my mannequin is larger than a size 2.75. This barely fits her.
Em’s all taken care of for the time being. Next I need to sew some dog boots before the snow comes, and then I have a couple of Josey II bras waiting to be sewn and a new bra cup fabric too.
Happy creating!