Beginner Bra Making Class

January also saw a Beginner Bra Class at Central sewing.

I had eight women sign up, so we had a full class. And everyone left with at least one bra completed. Some of the ladies finished two bras and left with a well-fitting bra and pattern.

We had sizes from 2.25 to 7.5 in the class. So a very varied class size-wise. But something I’ve learned is size doesn’t matter when it comes to fitting. Women of all sizes have problems finding a well-fitting bra.

I have to say this was a dedicated group! On my way in to teach the first day, I went by a sign showing the temperature. It was -42 Celsius! If I hadn’t had a class, I would not have left home that day.

The class had only been over for one day when I received an email from one of the students. She had finished a bra on her own. The next day she sent me a second photo of her second bra she’d sewn. I’d say she’s off to a great start! Isn’t this gorgeous? She made this using her adjusted pattern, and a really lovely kit from

As if that bra isn’t gorgeous enough, she also made this bra.This is another lovely kit from

I think she’s done wonderfully! She has a well-fitting bra from class, and two ever better fitting bras she’s made on her own. Well done!

I have another class later in February, so I’ll let you know how that class goes as well.

You know what I’m sewing next, don’t you? Yes, back to pants, but I’m already missing bra-making seeing these lovely makes.

Happy creating!

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4 thoughts on “Beginner Bra Making Class

  1. Hi Michelle! I am a fellow Whitney pants fitting member and you introduced me to your blog. I love it! Thank you. The bras are so incredibly beautiful!
    Is there any possible way I could take your class online? Or could you direct me to a good bra pattern with fitting advice?

    Your pants look great from the Whitney class. The ties are so cute!

    1. Hello Laurie, Oh don’t you just love Whitney? And thank you for loving my blog too! Bra-making is my sewing passion. I hope one day I feel that way about sewing clothes (and pants) too. Unfortunately the class isn’t set up for being online, but I can recommend an online class. Jeanette is a personal friend, and I volunteered in her classes for years before I branched out on my own. I highly recommend her. And yes, those ties are what got me too! Couldn’t resist how cute they were.

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