Willowdale Take Two

I was very impressed with my first attempt of the Willowdale pattern, so I decided to make another one right away. This time, with a narrower bridge.

This one fits perfectly!

Isn’t this the most lovely material? This comes from B,Wear.

   Oh, I really love this! This fabric is is very similar to duoplex, but is a bit firmer. The lace actually comes in three colors. Pink, blue, and a mint green. Oh, they are all so pretty!

It would have been a dream come true if there had been matching power net too! However, I had some light pink in my stash that I was happy with. White would have worked as well, but I preferred the pink.

 I have a bee kit all cut out, so time to do some sewing again.

Happy creating!

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8 thoughts on “Willowdale Take Two

  1. Hi, Michelle – this is Heather from the bra drafting course with Beverly.

    It’s interesting that you have to make the bridge narrower while I have to make the lower bridge wider……it’s interesting-and challenging-what alterations one has to make a well fitting bra!!

    I really enjoy reading your blog- looking forward to the next one.

    1. Hello Heather! It is interesting the adjustments we have to make. I have to make the top of the bridge one channel-width only, and I have to widen the lower part of the bridge. Things like this make you realize why RTW doesn’t fit.
      I’m so glad you like my blog! Thank you!

  2. Beautiful fabric and lace! What a stunning bra! I’m happy to hear a good review of this pattern….I have a friend who would like me to make her a bra and she is very busty. So far, I’ve tried two patterns and can’t seem to get close to a decent fit. I’ll try this one.

    1. Hi Sandy, Thank you! I didn’t have to make a lot of adjustments to this pattern, so I would recommend it. Another that I would recommend along this style is the Josey II bra. I’m not sure if it’s in your friend’s size range, but I hardly had to make any adjustments to that pattern either.

  3. Michelle that looks beautiful. I love the fabric. But what have you done in the bridge? Is that fabric crossed over? Is that a sneaky addition you have made or is that part of the original pattern? I’ll bet that makes it super comfortable because it would stretch a bit when you sit down. I’ve seen that on another pattern from Lillypadesigns. Very clever.

    1. Thanks, Marsha. I love this fabric and want to make something else with it. It does coordinate with the lace – they’re from the same supplier and meant to go together. SO pretty!

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